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Corporate governance

In recent years, under the guidance and direction of the Board of Directors (BOD), Baoviet Holdings has applied the Corporate Governance Principles for Public Companies in Vietnam (first published in September 2019) as a guiding framework to establish a roadmap for improving governance standards and practices, minimizing risks, and ensuring sustainable and long-term prosperity for the business.
1. Ensure an effective governance structure.
2. Ensure the interests of shareholders and fair treatment among shareholders.
3. Ensure the roles and interests of stakeholders.
4. Ensure transparency in all business activities.
5. Ensure the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board lead and control the company's operations effectively.
Core Values
Responsibility - Protect the interests of shareholders and ensure fair treatment of all shareholders, including minority and foreign shareholders.
Transparency - Ensure the timely and accurate disclosure of information on key issues related to the company, including financial status, performance results, ownership rights, and control structures.
Fairness - Acknowledge the rights of stakeholders in accordance with legal regulations and encourage active cooperation among stakeholders in creating wealth, jobs, and ensuring Baoviet's financial sustainability.
Accountability - Ensure the provision of strategic direction for the company, ensure effective oversight by the BOD, and ensure accountability from the BOD to the company and shareholders.
Sustainability - Ensure long-term and sustainable benefits for shareholders and ensure harmony in governance factors related to economic, social, and environmental development.
Current shareholder structure and ownership ratio
Tính tới năm: 2023
Cá nhân Tổ chức
STT | Danh mục | Số lượng cổ phiếu | Tỷ lệ | Số lượng cđ | Cơ cấu cổ đông |
00 | State shareholders | 504,664,200 | 67.98% | 2 |
01 | Founding shareholders/FDI shareholders | 482,509,800 | 65% | 1 |
02 | Major shareholders (owning 5% or more of shares) | 646,455,221 | 87.09% | 2 |
03 | Company's Trade Union | 284,922 | 0.04% | 1 |
04 | Treasury shares | 0 | 0% | 0 |
05 | Other shareholders: | 73,713,143 | 9.89% | 14,693 |
Total | 742,322,764 | 100% | 14,693 |
Domestic | 539,421,424 | 72.7% | 13,928 |
Foreign | 202,901,340 | 27.3% | 765 |
Corporate governance
Baoviet successfully underwent equitization and began operating as a joint-stock company from October 2007, following the Parent Company - Subsidiary model."
Since March 19, 2019, a new corporate governance model has been implemented at the Parent Company - Baoviet Holdings. According to this model, the corporate governance structure includes: the General Shareholders' Meeting; the Supervisory Board, the Board of Directors (including functional committees); the Executive Board, and functional departmental divisions. The organizational structure of the Parent Company is built on the principle of assigning responsibilities and management according to functional departments, which are closely interconnected.
Overall, the current governance model has been developed and is approaching international standards and practices. The restructuring of the governance model has initially enhanced management effectiveness, governance and operational management, and improved the effectiveness of the Board of Directors (BOD) in overseeing the executive apparatus. It also implements the capital investment governance function of the owner, Baoviet Holdings, in subsidiaries through the system of governance regulations across the entire Group on strategy, investment, risk management, internal controls, and the appointment and reporting mechanisms of the Holdings' capital representatives in subsidiaries where the Holdings holds investments.
To enhance corporate governance in line with international standards, the Board of Directors has established various committees and functional councils to assist in strategic direction, auditing, financial management, risk management, senior human resources, and investment.
Corporate governance reports